Sunday, September 25, 2011

Well, the trip is all but officially over.  I still have to actually get home, and as of now, that will happen on Wednesday.  Today was full.  Great, but full.  Breakfast at the Rooster.  Batting practice and a Winner at Busch!  And, the Whitey Herzog Youth Foundation dinner.  Had a blast at it all!  GREAT GAME.  YADI!  FURCAL!  MOTTE!  1 game out!  I actually booked a flight to Houston using my free Southwest ticket.  I decided to cancel and just watch the games on TV.  If we end up in a tiebreaker on Thursday, I'll fly back to StL for that.

I've still got to do the Tropicana Field and completely unbiased Busch Stadium reviews.  Hopefully, I'll knock those out sometime tomorrow.  I've got a lot to do up here over the next couple sleep, and I need to go to Gitto's for a salad and lasagna at some point.  I've got until game time tomorrow night to do that.  Oh, the stress...  I'll tie up a few loose ends in Conway before heading out to Grand Cayman on Saturday.  Yes, I need a vacation after all this.  If they handed me a baseball schedule tomorrow and a check and asked if I'd do it again...absolutely!

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